Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Battle at Home

The Battle at Home...Ryu Vs Cammy

There are often times when arguments with my wife feel as if they're straight out of a Ryu Vs Cammy Matchup...figuratively of course.

More often than not, she'd initiate the fight with her array
of special attacks caused by something that I did or did not do which often happened in the past, but was triggered by an incident on that day, I'd do the gentleman thing & block until my health bar dropped low enough to the point that death was imminent. Most times I'd perform enough damage control & reasoning to see out the round by virtue of her running out of steam so that the timer of the round ends.

On the odd occasion when things get really heated & she attacks me with all she's got to the point when I'm taking as much punishment as humanly possibly I’d snap, become Evil Ryu & unleash the wrath of the aftermath on her ass. Fireballs, Hurricane Kicks & Dragon punch remarks flow from my mouth like I'm Eminem rapping. I’m not proud of it but I must admit - I kill for fun.

I eventually come around & make good once I'm done spewing my chemical waste...after all I am & always will be a Good Fellow...

The Battle Within

The Battle Within...Ryu Vs Ken

For me this matchup represents the ultimate battle that rages inside oneself. Good Guy Vs Bad Boy.

More often than not we will use the corresponding persona which best suites the situation.

At the end of the day Good will always prevail - well in theory at least.